
Learn About GSA Schedule Contract / GSA MAS Contract Process, Benefits, Sales Numbers, and More

What is a GSA Schedule Contract / GSA MAS Contract?

A GSA Schedule Contract is an unfunded agreement that allows the government to purchase goods or services from a vendor at a pre-specified price. The term "unfunded" indicates there is no guarantee the vendor will secure a sale under the contract. However, a GSA Schedule Contract adheres to Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), enabling government buyers to procure goods through the schedule system, bypassing more cumbersome government procurement processes.

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A GSA Schedule Contract simplifies the federal procurement process, providing federal buyers with a less complex purchasing avenue. This preference drives federal buyers to utilize the Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) of the General Services Administration (GSA), presenting unique selling opportunities for GSA Schedule Contract holders. This system is widely favored among federal buyers for its efficiency and streamlined procedures.

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How to Get a GSA Federal Contract?

The first question many people ask when pursuing a GSA Schedule contract is “Do I need to use GSA consultants?” The answer to this question comes in various forms but the reality is “it depends.” If the individual completing the application has competency in completing government proposals, is willing to put in some work in to understand what at times can be an ambiguous process, and follows these steps, it is possible to complete a GSA contract on your own or with the assistance of a GSA service provider.

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Eligibility for a GSA Schedule Contract under the GSA MAS Program

To qualify for a GSA Schedule Contract under the MAS program, the firm must meet the following criteria:

  • Financial Stability: The firm must demonstrate financial stability.
  • Quality Past Performance: Provide evidence of quality past performance.
  • Commercially Available Products: Products offered must be commercially available.
  • Compliance with the Trade Agreement Act: Ensure products comply with the Trade Agreement Act.

Additionally, the requirement of having 2 years of business history no longer applies. The Springboard program is now available to all businesses, including those less than 2 years old, seeking to enter the GSA Schedule Contract program.

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Outline of GSA Process:

To successfully market to government agencies through GSA, follow these essential steps:

  1. Obtain Unique Entity Identifier (UEI): Obtain a UEI for free from specifically for federal government work.
  2. Register on Register your business on, the primary vendor database driving all federal procurement systems.
  3. Identify Suitable GSA Schedule SIN: Determine the most appropriate GSA Schedule Special Item Number (SIN) for your products or services by reviewing comprehensive lists on GSA eLibrary.
  4. Competitive Analysis: Research potential competitors on GSA eLibrary to ensure you are price-competitive with other federal vendors.
  5. Download Solicitation: Access and download the solicitation from FedBizOpps ( for the correct GSA Proposal for your firm.
  6. Gather Required Documents: Collect necessary documents such as financial data, invoices, past performance records, and business practices to complete the proposal.
  7. Prepare GSA MAS Proposal: Follow the best practices format for a Federal Supply Contract when preparing your GSA MAS Proposal.
  8. Submit Proposal: Submit your proposal. Be prepared for possible requests for additional information during this phase.
  9. Negotiate GSA Contract: Engage in negotiations with the GSA contracting officer to finalize pricing. Justify any differences in your product or service offerings to achieve the best possible pricing for the government.
  10. Award and Compliance: Once awarded, upload your offering to GSA Advantage and ensure ongoing compliance with GSA regulations.
  11. Utilize GSA Advantage: Manage your GSA contract effectively through GSA Advantage, the online shopping and ordering system providing access to thousands of products, services, and contractors.
  12. Monitor eBuy Opportunities: Monitor the GSA eBuy bulletin board for additional contracting opportunities after obtaining an active GSA Contract.
  13. Target Federal Contracting Officers: Proactively inform federal contracting officers about your new status as a GSA MAS Holder to leverage federal sales opportunities.

Obtaining a GSA Schedule can significantly enhance your firm's ability to penetrate the lucrative federal marketplace, utilizing GSA contracts and GSA Advantage for continued success.

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Get a GSA Multiple Award Schedule

Many small businesses aim for SBA Certification or VA Verification but often overlook the potential benefits of obtaining a GSA Schedule Contract. Certification holders that are eligible should “get a GSA Supply Contract” and the following case will demonstrate why it is in the best interest of the firm.

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Industry Types on GSA Schedule

Many small businesses aim for SBA Certification or VA Verification but often overlook the potential benefits of obtaining a GSA Schedule Contract. Certification holders that are eligible should “get a GSA Supply Contract” and the following case will demonstrate why it is in the best interest of the firm.

The GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) system encompasses a wide range of industries and products, catering to diverse needs within the federal government procurement space. Here are some key industry categories and products featured on the GSA Award System:

Service Industries

Among service industries, IT and Professional Services dominate the GSA schedule. These sectors are crucial for providing technological solutions, consulting services, and specialized expertise to government agencies. Additionally, industries such as facilities maintenance, logistics, travel services, security, and janitorial services also maintain a robust presence.

Product Offerings

The GSA MAS Schedule lists millions of products, offering a comprehensive array that includes:

  • Building materials
  • Office equipment and furniture
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Hardware and tools
  • Computers and IT equipment
  • Boats and maritime equipment
  • Groceries and food supplies
  • And virtually any other conceivable item needed by government agencies.

Obtaining a GSA Schedule can significantly enhance your firm's ability to penetrate the lucrative federal marketplace, utilizing GSA contracts and GSA Advantage for continued success.

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It's important to note that certain industry sectors are not typically found on GSA Contracts due to federal regulations. Specifically, architecture firms are excluded from the GSA schedule by federal law. Similarly, general contractors for building construction projects are also not included in the GSA scheduling system.

Understanding these industry types and limitations helps businesses tailor their approach when pursuing opportunities within the GSA procurement framework. By aligning with eligible industries and products, businesses can effectively leverage the GSA MAS Schedule to access federal contracting opportunities.

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The Proposal Process

When a firm seeks a contract, it submits a proposal to the General Services Administration (GSA) following a specific format. This process is often considered rigorous and can span several months to complete. The GSA evaluates several key aspects to determine if the firm is capable of successfully fulfilling a federal contract. These assessments include:

  • Past Performance: Evaluating past performance on federal contracts or references from private industry.
  • Financial Capacity: Assessing the firm’s financial capability to meet the obligations of federal contracts.
  • Pricing: Ensuring the firm's pricing is competitive and aligns with market standards for similar goods or services.
  • Acceptance of Government Purchase Cards: Confirming the firm’s willingness to accept government-issued purchase cards as a form of payment.

Once the GSA is prepared to approve the proposal, they engage in final price negotiations with the firm. During this phase, the GSA works to establish fair and reasonable pricing terms within the contract

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Upon GSA Schedule Contract Approval

Once a contractor's GSA contract is awarded following a successful eOffer submission, their pricing catalog is uploaded to both GSA eLibrary and GSA eLibrary provides federal contracting officers with comprehensive visibility into the offerings of individual companies. Meanwhile, GSA Advantage functions as an e-commerce platform where government buyers can compare products and make purchases with ease.

Additionally, GSA Contract holders gain access to GSA eBuy, an exclusive platform where special bidding opportunities are posted, accessible only to GSA Contract holders.

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Market Research

Federal buyers typically need to evaluate and document offerings from at least three vendors to make a best-value decision. Utilizing platforms such as GSA eLibrary, GSA Advantage, and GSA eBuy simplifies the process for federal buyers to meet this FAR requirement during their purchasing process.

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Contract Duration

A GSA Federal Contract is initially awarded for a five-year period with the option for renewal up to three times, each for an additional five years, allowing for a maximum contract duration of up to 20 years. Modifications to the contract can be made throughout its lifespan to accommodate evolving needs and requirements.

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Results of GSA Schedule Contracts

As of 2023, there are between 19,000 and 20,000 businesses holding GSA Schedule Contracts, collectively listing over 7 million products and services on the GSA Schedule System. Approximately three-quarters of these businesses holding GSA Contracts are classified as small businesses.

The Federal Supply System represents about 15% of federal discretionary spending. Small businesses, on average, achieve around $1 million per year in federal sales, whereas large businesses can secure over $100 million annually through contract sales.

For many small businesses, obtaining a GSA Schedule Contract serves as a pivotal opportunity to secure their first contract within a federal agency. Successful performance often streamlines the process of winning future contracts.

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Benefits of Obtaining a GSA MAS Schedule Contract

A GSA MAS Schedule Contract serves as a vital contracting vehicle that facilitates easy and compliant transactions between sellers and federal buyers. Here are the key benefits:

Financial Benefits

Firms with a GSA MAS Schedule Contract tend to achieve greater success in selling to the federal government compared to their peers. On average, small businesses with a GSA Schedule Contract generate over $1 million per year in sales from the Schedule alone.

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Additional Benefits

  • Entry into Federal Marketplace: A GSA Schedule Contract provides a streamlined method for federal buyers to purchase goods and services, making it easier for firms to enter the federal contracting market.
  • Market Research: Federal buyers utilize GSA Advantage, the platform where all GSA Schedule contract holders list their products, for market research, ensuring visibility and potential sales opportunities for Schedule holders.
  • Access to GSA eBuy: GSA eBuy allows federal buyers to solicit bids for needed goods and services online. Holding a GSA Schedule contract is necessary to participate, opening new avenues for contracting with federal agencies.
  • Increased Subcontracting Opportunities: Prime contractors using GSA Contract holders as subcontractors benefit from simplified compliance with subcontracting goals, enhancing opportunities for Schedule holders.
  • Enhancement of Firm’s Value: Establishing a presence with a GSA Schedule can lead to deeper relationships within federal agencies, potentially positioning the firm as an acquisition target and creating strategic growth opportunities.
  • Access to Other Contract Vehicles: Having a GSA Contract provides a pricing foundation for pursuing positions on other contracting vehicles, such as Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) and Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs).
  • Flexibility in Adding Products and Services: Schedule holders can quickly add new products and services by submitting modifications to their existing GSA MAS Contract.
  • Inclusion of Non-Schedule Items: Contracts initiated through a GSA Schedule can incorporate non-schedule items if the majority of project costs stem from Schedule purchases, offering flexibility in contract execution.
  • Synergies with SBA/VA Certification: Combining a GSA Contract with SBA or VA certifications often enhances opportunities, as federal buyers may identify certified firms during market research and prioritize them for sole-source or set-aside contracts.

Qualifying Criteria for a GSA MAS Contract

To have a proposal accepted by the General Services Administration (GSA) for a GSA MAS Contract, firms must meet several key criteria:

Criteria 1 – Fit on an Existing Schedule

Your products or services must align with an existing GSA MAS contract. The GSA utilizes the scheduling system for routine and repetitive purchases, aiming to ensure cost-effectiveness. While there are over 8 million products and thousands of services listed on GSA Schedules, certain novel products or large categories like architecture and general contracting are excluded due to federal acquisition regulations.

GSA Schedule

Criteria 2 – Financial Stability

The GSA MAS Schedule system prioritizes reliability and quality for government purchases. Therefore, firms must demonstrate financial stability to maintain the integrity of the system. The GSA scrutinizes firms with any of the following financial issues:

  • Profitability: Firms not currently profitable may face increased scrutiny.
  • Positive Working Capital: The GSA looks for firms with positive working capital (current assets exceeding current liabilities).
  • Positive Net Worth: Firms should demonstrate a positive net worth (total assets greater than total liabilities).
  • Access to Capital: The ability to access capital, typically evidenced by a bank line of credit or similar credit facilities, is important.
GSA Schedule

Criteria 3 – Commercial Availability of Goods

Goods offered on a GSA MAS Contract must be commercially available. The GSA verifies this by reviewing past invoices to ensure consistency between the prices offered to the government and those in the commercial marketplace. Typically, the GSA prefers firms with at least three customers and a minimum of $25,000 in sales.

GSA Schedule

Criteria 4 – Consistent Pricing

Firms must provide consistent pricing year-round for their products. This requirement ensures predictability for government buyers, although it may pose challenges for commodities with volatile market prices, like coffee.

GSA Schedule

Criteria 5 – High Moral Character

Both the company and its principal owners/managers must exhibit high moral character. Specifically, they must not have been disbarred from federal government business within the last three years, nor have civil or criminal convictions related to performance on federal, state, or local contracts.

GSA Schedule

SBA Certification & GSA Schedule Create a Strong Synergy

GSA is a great place for federal buyers to conduct market research. The GSA Schedule system allows federal buyers to purchase from the correct company status because companies with an SBA designation are indicated by having the following letters associated with their firm.

Indicator Company Status
S Small Business
o Other than Small Business
w Women-Owned Business
v Veteran-Owned Small Business
dv Service Disable Veteran-Owned Small Business
d SBA Certified Small Disadvantage Business
8as 8(a) Sole Source Pool
8a SBA Certified 8(a) Firm (used as 8(a) competitive pool)
h SBA Certified HUBZone Firm

GSA Sales Growth in Small Business & Certifications

The following graph shows that all SBA Certification types have increased their GSA Sales over the past 5 years. Over the last five years, the average GSA Sales have increased from $1,058,000 to $1,665,000.

GSA Schedule

Small Business GSA Sales Numbers

The GSA Schedule plays a crucial role in federal procurement, as evidenced by the following data:

Federal Fiscal Year # of GSA Firms Total GSA Sales Avegare Sales
2018 11,055 14,246,000,000 1,288,648
2019 11,120 15,516,000,000 1,395,324
2020 11,068 13,392,000,000 1,209,975
2021 11,375 14,243,000,000 1,252,132
2022 11,722 16,821,000,000 1,423,994

GSA Schedules are often used by small businesses to boost their federal sales. Small businesses that go through this process are rewarded with an average of $1MM in annual sales through their GSA Contract.

Small businesses that have a special designation generally achieve even better results than the small business average. The numbers show that getting a GSA Schedule and combining it with an SBA designation increases the effectiveness of GSA Scheduled Contracts. (See table below)

Business Type/Size Amount of GSA Revenue # of GSA Schedule Holders Average GSA Revenue 2020
Large Business 28.0B 2,221 13,328,681
Small Business 16.8B 11,722 1,434,994
SDVOSB 3.2B 1,570 2,032,484
VOSB 4.0B 2,287 1,762,702
EDWOSB 2.4B 1,665 1,451,051
WOSB 4.7B 3,368 1,407,363
8a 2.1B 1,248 1,691,506
8(a)s 1.1B 690 1,565,652
HUBZone 1.7B 860 1,970,000

If we break these groups into Industries, we can see where the GSA + Certification/Verification provides the most benefits to firms.

8(a) Certification Highlights

8(a) + GSA Schedule

Federal Fiscal Year # of GSA Firms Total GSA Sales Avegare Sales
2018 1,046 852,000,000 814,532
2019 1,046 1,034,000,000 971,805
2020 1,095 1,257,000,000 1,147,945
2021 1,166 1,663,700,000 1,426,844
2022 1,284 2,111,000,000 1,691,506

8(a) + GSA Schedule

Best Performing Industries

  • The best-performing industry was Security and Protection at $3.7MM.
  • The largest industry was IT with 974 GSA Contract Holders.
  • Professional Services is another large group of firms with similar sales to that of IT.
Industry 8(a) Certification Sales # Vendors Average Sales
Clothing, Textiles & Subsistence S&E 7,121,576 11 647,416
Electronic & Communication Equipment 19,340 2 9,670
Equipment Related Services 9,955 1 9,955
Facilities & Construction 100,158,108 115 870,940
Human Capital 59,526,013 61 975,836
Industrial Products & Services 93,841,976 64 1,466,281
IT 1,354,451,159 974 1,390,607
Miscellaneous S&E 3,781,814 8 472,727
Office Management 48,196,380 68 708,770
Professional Services 629,988,143 459 1,372,523
Security and Protection 108,750,479 29 3,750,017
Sustainment S&E 2,082,512 6 347,085
Transportation and Logistics Services 23,607,685 43 549,016
Travel & Lodging 87,983 2 43,992
Totals 2,431,623,123 1,633 1,489,053

SDVOSB Highlights

SDVOSB + GSA Schedule

Federal Fiscal Year # of GSA Firms Total GSA Sales Avegare Sales
2018 1255 1,848,000,000 1,472,510
2019 1,367 2,148,000,000 1,571,324
2020 1,388 2,411,000,000 1,737,032
2021 1,455 2,578,000,000 1,771,821
2022 1,570 3,191,000,000 2,032,484

VOSB Highlights

VOSB + GSA Schedule

Federal Fiscal Year # of GSA Firms Total GSA Sales Avegare Sales
2018 2,039 3,190,500,000 1,564,738
2019 2,110 2,839,300,000 1,345,640
2020 2,089 3,068,700,000 1,468,980
2021 2,167 3,311,200,000 1,528,011
2022 2,287 4,031,300,000 1,762,702

SDVOSB + GSA Schedule

Best Performing Industries

  • SDVOSB firms do extremely well in selling industrial products and equipment.
  • SDVOSB firms had the highest average IT sales from their scheduled contracts of any small businesses.
  • SDVOSB firms have the highest sales level for Human Capital and Training.
Industry SDVOSB Sales # Vendors Average Sales
Clothing, Textiles & Subsistence S&E 27,746,813 25 1,109,873
Electronic & Communication Equipment 10,996,966 7 1,570,995
Equipment Related Services 6,820,581 2 3,410,291
Facilities & Construction 55,501,198 89 623,609
Human Capital 130,384,182 109 1,196,185
Industrial Products & Services 185,691,604 100 1,856,916
IT 1,092,294,331 652 1,675,298
Medical 1,791,950 9 199,106
Miscellaneous S&E 7,301,048 16 456,316
Office Management 87,204,104 78 1,118,001
Professional Services 593,686,794 447 1,328,158
Security and Protection 51,905,312 31 1,674,365
Sustainment S&E 2,562,551 18 142,364
Transportation and Logistics Services 80,163,343 63 1,272,434
Travel & Lodging 10,859,168 11 987,197
Totals 2,344,909,945 1,657 1,415,154

WOSB Highlights

WOSB + GSA Schedule

Federal Fiscal Year # of GSA Firms Total GSA Sales Avegare Sales
2018 3,161 3,051,000,000 965,201
2019 3,185 3,212,000,000 1,008,477
2020 3,186 3,569,000,000 1,120,213
2021 3,272 3,906,000,000 1,193,765
2022 3,368 4,740,000,000 1,407,363

EDWOSB Highlights

EDWOSB + GSA Schedule

Federal Fiscal Year # of GSA Firms Total GSA Sales Avegare Sales
2018 1,313 1,371,100,000 1,044,250
2019 1,313 1,371,100,000 1,044,250
2020 1,478 1,632,000,000 1,104,195
2021 1,559 1,944,000,000 1,246,953
2022 1,665 2,416,000,000 1,451,051


Best Performing Industries

  • The largest number combines both a GSA Schedule and a certification. WOSB firms generally underperform other certifications however a GSA Schedule increases these firms’ average sales approximately three-fold.
  • 2/3 of WOSB firms engage in IT and Professional Services with over 2,300 firms in these two categories.
  • WOSB Certification is the most widely held certification which diminishes its value however the marketing synergies of combining it with a GSA Schedule greatly enhance the value of both.
Industry WOSB Sales # Vendors Average Sales
Clothing, Textiles & Subsistence S&E 38,461,326 91 422,652
Electronic & Communication Equipment 893,412 13 68
Equipment Related Services 1,218,837 12 101,570
Facilities & Construction 99,209,735 265 374,376
Human Capital 114,274,831 176 649,289
Industrial Products & Services 253,245,892 221 1,145,909
IT 1,719,390,363 1,272 1,351,722
Medical 894,283 6 149,047
Miscellaneous S&E 10,113,126 60 168,552
Office Management 164,443,221 274 600,158
Professional Services 1,066,351,977 1,105 965,024
Security and Protection 74,527,967 49 1,520,979
Sustainment S&E 8,882,995 52 170,827
Transportation and Logistics Services 74,664,599 107 697,800
Travel & Lodging 5,338,898 22 242,677
Totals 3,631,911,462 3,401 1,067,895
Note: There appears to be a strong synergistic value in combining a GSA Schedule with a Certification/Verification. Therefore, firms that have a certification/verification should combine them to increase their federal sales.
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GSA Schedule – FAQ

What is a GSA Schedule Contract?

A GSA Schedule Contract is an indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) contract that falls under the GSA’s Multiple Award System (MAS). The purpose of GSA Schedule Contract is to eliminate paperwork and bureaucracy, assisting federal procurement employees in purchasing products and services at pre-negotiated prices and terms.

How many firms hold GSA Schedule Contract?

Approximately 14,400 firms have a GSA MAS Contract. There are approximately 12,000 small businesses and 2,400 large businesses with GSA Federal Contracts.

Number of Products and Services on GSA Schedule?

Approximately 11 million different goods and services.

How long does a GSA Schedule last?

Generally a GSA Contract remains in place for a five year period. It can be renewed three times for twenty years total in contract life.

How long does it take to obtain a GSA Schedule?

There are several factors that determine the amount of time it takes to obtain a GSA MAS Contract. Once you have submitted all required documents for approval to the GSA. Then the GSA schedule goes through a multi-step approval process. Review times range from three to five months. There is an expedited process if the GSA federal supply is initiated through a federal agency request, which is approximately four weeks.

If my firm has a special designation is that listed on my schedule?

Yes – Firms with an 8(a) Certification, HUBZone, WOSB, EDWOSB, SDVOSB, or Veteran Owned certification have this listed on their GSA Advantage and GSA eLibrary listings.

How much in gross sales (revenue) is required in order to qualify for GSA Schedule?

Generally a firm applying for a GSA Contracts must have had at least 25,000 in sales over the prior two years in the industry in which they are seeking the GSA Contract.

Which industry performs best with regard to federal sales, as GSA Contract holder?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this, as the performance largely depends on the market dynamics and federal demand. However, data suggests that IT and Professional Services are the dominant players. Specifically, 35% of 8(a) firms are in the Information Technology sector, while 30% operate within Professional Services. Both of these industries tend to do well within the federal 8(a) space; however, many niche industries out-preform these more mainstream industries.

If I obtain an 8(a) certification, should I also obtain a GSA Schedule?

A GSA Multiple Award Schedule can greatly enhance an 8(a) firm in the marketing of its goods and services. This is because Schedule contracts are the predominant method of purchasing most federal procurement officers choose, in order to do market research. Past studies have shown that 8(a) certified firms achieve 3 times the amount of business than a non-8(a) firm, showing the advantage of the combination.

What is GSA eBuy?

eBuy is an online procurement tool only for GSA Contract holders that is used by procurement officers to facilitate the request for quotes on proposals for products and services by federal buyers. The average eBuy procurement is sent to seven GSA Schedule holders of which between three and four respond.

Can I sell to State and Local Governments using a GSA Contractor?

State and local governments have the use of GSA Schedules through two platforms: The Cooperative Purchasing and Disaster Recovery Purchasing Programs. State and local government use of GSA Contracts has been a high growth area for the GSA in recent years.

What is the small business participation rate on GSA Schedules?

83% of firms with GSA MAS are small business and 37% of GSA revenue is with small business.

What is a GSA Schedule Teaming Agreement?

A GSA CTA (Contractor Teaming Arrangement) is an agreement combining the goods and services of two or more GSA Contract Holders into one offering. The agreement sets the outline of the roles of each of the firms in the agreement.

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