
GSA Competitor Analysis

A critical piece of information for determining if your firm should obtain a GSA Schedule is to see if your firm can be price competitive with your competition. There are three federal online tools you can utilize to determine if your firm is price competitive with your GSA Schedule competition.



GSA Competitor Analysis


GSA CALC Labor Rate Tool

If you are thinking about doing work for the federal government and are not sure of what labor category rates you can expect to charge, the Contract Awarded Labor Category (CALC) Tool might be a great place to start.

CALC allows a user to search the GSA Schedule Award Data to see average wage rates per hour based upon educational level, experience, worksite location, business size, and the particular GSA Schedule the labor will be procured.

These rates should be compared to your firm’s current labor rates to see if your firm falls within one standard deviation as designated from the website results.

Screen Shot:

GSA CALC Labor Rate Tool

GSA Elibrary – Competitor Analysis

Process 1: If you know the specific name of a competitor that has a GSA Schedule the best way to do research is by typing the competitors name in the search field.
Analysis Tool
Process 2: If you do not know the exact name of the competitor you can search based upon the following process:
Step 1: Lookup the schedule in which your firm will be placed.
Analysis Tool
Step 2: Funnel down to the Category or proper SIN
Analysis Tool
Step 3: Find your competitor and Review their Pricelist
Analysis Tool

GSA Advantage– Competitor Analysis

Type in the name of the product in the search field and press GO!
Analysis Tool
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