GSA Schedule boosts WOSB Sales

By: Admin | Date: 2020-12-23

GSA Schedule boosts WOSB Sales

Woman-Owned Small Businesses are typically smaller on average than businesses at large. A great way for a woman-owned business to level the playing field is by obtaining their WOSB or EDWOSB SBA Certification and combined it with a GSA Schedule. On Average, this multiplies the woman-owned firms' sales by 5x.


Total Federal Sales $22.9 Billion $6.4 Billion
Number of Firms in this Category 63,762 3,536
Average Federal Sales $359,148 $1,809,995

Why a GSA Schedule benefits a Woman Owned Small Business so Greatly

Improves the Woman-Owned Businesses Visibility
For many small women-owned businesses, getting seen is everything. The GSA System provides for this through its automatic listings on GSA Advantage and GSA e-library. The woman-owned business can also seek out ebuy sources sought listings and apply for work that would have otherwise eluded them. When a federal buyer wants to work with a woman-owned firm on a project, this visibility gives the firms with a GSA Shedule an advantage.

Proven Potential for Success
There are currently just over 63,000 woman-owned small businesses registred to do work with the federal government. Many of these firms are small and lack much government or general business experience. The GSA, as part of its vetting process, checks business references and the financial capacity of the firm. This vetting provides for greater confidence in awarding contracts to GSA Contract holding firms.


We find GSA Schedules improve the sales of all businesses looking to do business with the federal government. Women-owned firms should consider a GSA Schedule however, most companies in the federal marketplace can benefit significantly by having a Schedule awarded to them.

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