GSA Sales Density (Top 12 Agencies)

By: Admin | Date: 2020-06-27

GSA Sales Density (Top 12 Agencies)

Key Point: Understanding the GSA Sales per buyer of an agency is important factor in knowing what marketing strategy to employ. These figures help reveal to us how centralized that particular agency is in its purchasing decisions. Agencies that are more centralized are usually harder to break into and have more seasoned buyers. These buyers are much more likely not to be the end user of the product which places price and reputation as a higher consideration for the purchaser. Basically when someone has a complaint about the purchase the buyer can use one of those as rationales for their decision. A less centralized buyer will be far more focused on if the product they are about to purchase meets their exact needs. A decentralized buyer is more likely to be less price sensitive.


Centralized Buyer – Price/Safer Decision

Tip: This is a more sophisticated buyer; make sure your brochure in elibrary is very descriptive, explains high quality and makes it easy for an uninformed buyer to do an apples-to-apples price comparison with your major competitors on schedule.

Decentralized Buyer – Items that are more suitable for their specific need.

Tip: These buyers will likely use GSA Advantage (the GSA’s online web purchasing porthole) to find the product or service they are looking for by passing the more complicated

Agency Approximate # of Federal Buyers GSA Spending GSA Spending per Buyer
Department of Education 126 1,317,672,544 10,457,719
Department of Housing and Urban Development 193 314,384,873 1,628,937
Department of Treasury 628 634,324,974 1,010,072
Department of Justice 1,128 1,015,622,148 900,374
Department of Health and Human Services 2,170 1,926,526,184 887,800
Department of Commerce 749 398,192,291 531,632
U.S. Department of State 689 336,580,037 488,505
Department of Homeland Security 3,495 1,324,940,075 379,096
Department of Veterans Affairs 5,256 1,610,772,776 306,464
Department of the Interior 2,429 693,449,084 285,487
Department of Energy 1,239 254,065,881 205,057
Department of Agriculture 2,427 311,198,244 128,223
Department of Defense 48,120 4,915,686,220 102,155
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