$2Trillion Dollar Stimulus Plan – GSA/FEMA

By: Admin | Date: 2020-04-16

The Federal Government yesterday passed the largest economic stimulus package in US History. The following is the rough breakdown of the money.

$2T Breakdown

  • $250B – Direct payments to US Citizens
  • $350B – Small Business Loans
  • $250B – Unemployment Benefits
  • $500B – Loans to Distressed Companies
  • $130B – For Hard Hit Hospitals
  • $150B – State and Local Governments for Responses
  • $370B –FEMA Response, Military Mobilization, Health Measures, Other

Register with FEMA

If you are looking to help below is the link to the form to sign up with FEMA:

Obtain a GSA Schedule

Going one step past registering with FEMA is obtaining a GSA Schedule Contract and Agreeing to be a Disaster Relief Participant. If you review how FEMA makes its post disaster purchases, a great deal/majority of its buying comes from the disaster relief arm of the GSA Schedules. This is because the pricing is already vetted and the schedules are a GWAC, meaning they are Government Wide so they cover all 50 states and US territories. FEMA is a large agency but does not have the capabilities to recreate the GSA Schedule Contracting System and therefore piggyback off the GSA Schedule System provides them with a great deal of utility as there mission is dealing with the unexpected.


Below is a listing of all the products and Services found on GSA Schedules:


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